TERM1NAL is a Gear VR title developed with Unity. It follows the story of Flynn Lightman, a highly skilled hacker, specialized in using VR to hijack and remotely control androids. He is contracted to infiltrate the HQ of hi-tech firm STRIDE Industries. Remote controlling an android and a robot dog he travels deep into the facility, where he uncovers a plot that threatens the future of humanity.
My focus during the development was level design, mini-game design and performance optimization. I created half of the levels present in the game starting from greybox to the final fully optimized and polished end product. Next to that, I created and balanced all content for every mini-game present in the title.
I am proud of the title, especially considering the project was developed on a very tight schedule. Optimization was a new challenge for me, but I can honestly say there a lot of lessons for development on mobile VR headsets that I have learned and will keep in mind for future projects.